I've be tagged to list 6 unspectacular things about myself.
I know this is going to be one of the hardest thing I have ever
done but I am going to try.......ha,ha.
First I have to say Thanks to staci for thinking of me for this wonderful post.
Here are the rules:
1. link back to the person the picked you -check
2. mention the rules -check
3. List 6 unspectacular things about me- check,check
4. Tag 6 of my fellow bloggers (that will no longer want to
be friends with me) -check
O.K. here goes 6 unspectacular things about myself
1. I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth.
2. If you have followed my blog you know that I was VERY sick at the
beginning of summer and was on steroids for weeks. Now, I have about 10+ pounds to lose.
3.I will be married to the love of my life for 18 years this year.....yea for us
4. I am a computer virus....I don't know how to do anything on the computer.
5. I am a 80%. which means I am great at starting a project and I never finish. I think this
is where my ADD kicks in.
6. This is the most unspectacular thing about myself, I am not yet 40 and I have a boy starting high school in less than 14 hours. Harsh, just medicate me now...does anyone have any of the good stuff???
So the 6 people I tag for unspectacular me: ( I hope we can still be blogging buds)
1. onewiredwoman- she is WAY fun and I love her blog. We have meet and we talk on the phone and we have so much in common
2. michellesloosewheel- we have been friends for about 10 years. Love her and her family.
3. simplyme- Just about the sweetest "little" blogger out there.
4. angelicagracedesigns- makes the cutest girls clothes and make me want to have another baby( just kidding about the baby)
5.browneyedfox- way too cute and way too talented....(very jealous of her)
6.allmykids123-have known for years.