I walk out of the house into the garage and this is what I walk over. So, I run back into the house and scream like a little girl. Thank goodness hubby had stopped by to make some phone calls. He runs out and grabs the shovel and kills the snake (sorry all of you animal lover). So that's it...I'm out of here. Seriously I am packing my bags and moving to another house. If you have followed me then you know that this is the 4th snake in the same spot in 6 months. I'm telling you I think I have a snake convention going on in our back yard or maybe it's because we back up to the golf course. I don't know but I am freakin' out. I told hip hubby that we need to move before one of us gets eaten alive by a snake.....he did not think that was too funny. I told him I'm serious....I'm out of here....
I guess you wouldn't enjoy the pet snake in my daughters room...
Oooo, not for me either I'm with you on that one!
Another one? Oh my goodness.... I would freak!!!
Think it's that time of year.. we have had 5 baby snakes in the past week. The dogs find them, I am now brave enough to go pick them up and throw them over the fence. At least this one wasn't red!! UGH.
ugh... those slimey things... ugh!
we DO NOT need them!
we have one in our backyard STILL! :)
Here's to hoping the coyotes eat it!
Oh good gracious girl, I'd be moving too. 4 snakes in 6 months. That is way too many. I detest those gross things. They really make my skin crawl. Eeewwhhh! I feel your pain. :(
Blessings, Angie
I'm right there with ya! Snakes are a deal breaker in my book.
no snakes 4 me thanks!
I think you handled that pretty well... just for the record.
oh my....i do not think i could have packed my bags fast enough!! my biggest fear.....snakes....no matter the size!!! so good luck!!!
Guess who has an award waiting on my blog??? that's YOU! :) enjoy!
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