This is one of the perks of having a Freshman in High school !!!
You get to come up with creative ways to ask girls to homecoming.
I have been racking my brain all week. Not to mention, I have been riding Cody to ask someone. I told him you have to ask early or there will be no one left to ask...
So yesterday, he finally tells me, that he is going to ask someone...
Yea, Yeppie, Way to go,,,,,,,,oh no, but wait he wants to do to it tonight and it was already 6.
So I start freaking out, cuz I really can't think of something that fast. So I start asking around during Kyle's football game. Thank goodness one of the moms has a senior and she had some great ideas. She told me to write words and put them in balloons and have her pop the balloons. O.K. that is way to cute....
So I leave the game and run to Hobby Lobby spend a fortune on papers, note cards, stickers, etc. Cuz I know I need to have a back up plan if Cody does not like this idea. The I rush over to Party City to get the balloon,,,,oh yea, I have to have the paper with the words on it to put into the balloon,,,o.k. so I had a brain fart....plan B, Just attach the words to the balloons and she can put the sentence together. This was a great idea then she would not have to pop the balloons and she could enjoy them for awhile. So after $$$$ at Party City ( I had to get the good balloons with the stuff they put in them so they last longer, by the way that is .50 a balloon)
I rush home and start making the signs for the balloons.....Cody walks in from his basketball lesson and gives his " yea that's good mom" seal of approval...
Now, we have to take them to Amanda's house. I'm all excited, I have the camera ready to take pictures...,oh this is going to be so cute. Then the bombshell was dropped....Cody says "I'm going to leave them on her doorstep and ding dong ditch her" I say oooooooo.k.
I really could not fight him on this because I knew he was nervous and leaving them on the doorstep was the least embarrassing way to do it. So her is the only picture I was allowed to take. I had to stay in the car with the lights off and the motor running so he could make a fast getaway......
As we are driving home he receives a text (you know high school kids can;t talk on the phone they only text) it says "YES".... yea, I'm excited. Cody talked to her later that night and I asked him what did she say,,,,,he says "nothing"(thats the response you get from a high schooler, remember they can't talk)....
hahaha yessss! i was waiting for you to post something about this! linds told me last night that she texted cody bugging him to see if he had asked anyone yet! lol. and he said he was doin it last night! how fun. and cody looks so cute in that pic. when is their hc? AH. i wish i could be there to join you in a paparazzi type fashion!
now if i can do some research on this girl... i need to put a name with a face! im sure she's adorable though :)
Your fun is just begining...Just think next year you are going to have to have two ideas. Your boys are so precious to watch growing up and you are a fab mom to grow up with and such good ideas...hope those girls appreciate you and your hard work..
Atta Boy Cody
Atta Mom Malloy!
Call me so we can brainstorm on cute mums and corsages!
This is FUN!
Awww so fun! Can't wait til those days...great idea though and totally get the "text thing". Your a great supportive mom!!!!
Emily is reading this and was like "aaawwww... that's so sweet" until she read the ding-dong-ditch part and she said "Oh Cody!! you should have asked her in person!"
Austin is reading this and was like "cool, cool," and then he said "there's no way I would have asked her in person!"
The differences in boys and girls! Tell him to have a blast at Homecoming. Mal, you'd better do an awesome mum... those girls compare notes. Ha ha!
Oh, you're such a great mom!! I hope you're still blogging when my 5 year old reaches high school - lol!! I'm SOOOO not creative!! (I'll need access to your archives!)
What in the world am I going to do??
i was going to say the same thing...you better not go anywhere, sistah, 'cause w/two boys I'm gonna need lots & lots of ideas!! when in the world did this start?? i'm from a very, very small south texas town...there was only the homecoming game to go to...nothin' else:)
you win mom of the year fo' sho'!
& how cute is he??? what a sweetie!
Love, love, love the jewelry. And, I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS DIXIE CHICKS SONG. I listened to it OVER AND OVER AND OVER when my first son was born 5 years ago. And, I still cry when I hear it...now that I've got two "little men."
"Goodnight Moon will find the mouse, and I love you...Godspeed Little Man...Sweet Dreams, Little Man..."
Oh, I just love that song.
Gonna buy me some bling-bling from ya soon...
Fifty dollars for a balloon?
Not 50.00 for a balloon, if you read in correctly it was an extra .50 for the stuff they put in the balloon to make them last longer.
Oh, how much fun to come up with creative ways to ask a girl to homecoming.
We're no where near that age, but I'm glad my two oldest are girls so we can steal ideas for Cannon. Hee, hee.
I did read it correctly, the first time, and I was surprised it was that much but certain because your decimal point was after the 50. Please tell me you changed it after my comment! I'm an advanced math teacher, and your stealth switch is making me question my sanity...Plus I feel like you are questioning my reading comprehension. I did read it correctly!
Oh, and though I'm "anonymous" I am L.N.V. Hope that's enough of an I.D. so you don't go on the attack like you did with the woman who thought you weren't hip. You should have told her, "Hip is in the eye of the beholder!"
Wow, I never knew that writing about something as special as your first son asking a girl to homecoming would become so interesting to some people that they would have to analyze spending .50, that's 50 CENTS.
I totally get that people are going to leave all kinds of comments. For the record I did not go on the attack after someone left an anonymous comment, what I did was clear up everything that anonymous was saying, But, I still stand behind what I said earlier and what others have said, if you have to write witty little comments or question what others are writing and your doing it anonymously what does that say about you? IF you are going to take time out of your life to read about other peoples lives why do you have to judge and leave anonymous? Anonymous comments are fine, just don't leave snide remarks, it makes you look like you are to scared to sign your own name.
I do apologize, really I'm not attempting to be snide. I think hip IS the eye of the beholder. And I wasn't analyzing your balloon pricing to be critical, except that you said it was expensive--and to me .50 isn't, but 50. is! So I was blown away.
No attempts to be witty, just to understand how much it cost, since that was part of the tale.
I'm also not judging, I know better. As a teacher, parents judge me and my skills all the time even though they've never seen me teach. The mom-mill of rumors damages many teachers' reps.
As for being anonymous, it's for privacy. As a teacher, I am granted little privacy--I get asked homework questions when I'm out to dinner for example, so I don't emblazen my name everywhere I go.
Your story WAS sweet, but the innocent typo you made confused me. I've never bought special balloons, so I asked only in order to understand.
And you're right, you didn't go on attack in the past, I believe another commenter did. And she has that right too. But this time, I felt as though you were implying I didn't read correctly, and that hurt my feelings, because I was sure I did.
I hope your son has a wonderful time at his first formal dance. I look forward to seeing the photos here.
OMG how cute is this??
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