First let me start by saying I am so sorry hip hubby.
We went to a party last night at the in-laws house and Tom's niece Brenna was there. She is the queen of tea parties. As soon as she asked Uncle Tom to come to her tea party you know I ran right for the camera. Tom has never had the chance to experience the joy of a little girls tea party. It was priceless. The big burly hip hubby with his blue cup and pink spoon having his tea.....oh, you know I was laughing. And then it only got better.
Next, Brenna decided that Uncle Tom needed to wear a pink necklace. I just sat back and encouraged her....But, mean Uncle Tom drew the line at the princess shoes....
Why, already have the matching necklace on, what's the problem??

I have to give him credit. He is a man's man, so this was priceless for me....
So, once again sorry hip hubby, I hope you don't loose your man card over this, but I had to share....
That's so cute! Just wait till he has grandaughters.. he's gonna spoil them rotten.
I am telling Avery.. Mr. 2-Time Tom is cheating on her!
Tea Party Tom... his new moniker. Just kidding, I think it is sweet. Matt would have been tea partin' too with his little nieces. :) ~Jill :)
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